Sunday, May 8, 2011

To my Mom on Mothers Day

Although you have been gone for over 20 years, I still think of you every day, I close my eyes and see your smile, hear your soft voice, and remember how you look. I am the person today because of you, you taught me compassion, empathy, to care to respect, and above all else, to love. I was not only your son, you were my friend. I remember the soccer games when you would yell above all the other parents for me to play harder, and to never quit when I was feeling beat. I remember you telling me about girls, and how someday I would find someone special, because I deserved and angel.You taught me so many things, about life, and to enjoy every day like it was my last.

All these things made me who I am today, and for that I thank you, I miss you. I know you are with me everyday, I am never truly alone. Happy Mothers Day Mona Elizabeth Moore. I love you !!

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