Wednesday, November 23, 2011


I try to smile, but I know it is just not real.
I search my heart for happiness, but all I find is confusion.
I try to forget you, but my heart will not let go.
I am trying to stand strong, but my legs are weak.

I wake in the night, only to find I'm alone. 
I have wanted to cry, but the tears will not come.
I have screamed in anger, but you have not heard me.
I have whispered that I miss you, but it is lost to the wind.

I gave you my heart, and only asked for your love.
I have been the fool, to think it could last. 
I stand alone yet again, with only a memory.
I gave you love, and you threw it away.

I will heal in time, but not quite yet.
I need the pain, i feel it inside me.
I need the anger, that i feel right now.
I will find love again, but not with you.

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