Tuesday, January 7, 2014

A new Year !

Wow, it's been a long time since I posted anything on here, so I think it's due! 2013 has come and gone!So many wonderful things have happened , some great, some sad. Firstly the sad. I moved away from Finland...a place I truly found happiness.a place I felt at home. Moving home to be closer to my father, was and is the right decision. I have missed him, as well as the rest of my family so very much. A piece of my heart will always belong to Finland, the friends I have made there will be with me for the rest of my life.... who knows, things can always change in the blink of an eye...I know I will return, if only for a visit.

So, a good thing..I guess you can say, is that I am going to make a serious effort in finding someone. I have avoided it, for some time now, as I made the decision that I am just fine alone and single, and that I would not just settle for a relationship, just to be in one. Trust me, been there, done that. And really everyone, being single is not a BAD thing...it is quite healthy. You do not truly find happiness with someone, unless you are happy within your own self. Just my opinion.

I have also, decided to take up some life hacks. These are new ways of doing things... ways of thinking...new ways of giving back to the world...and finding happiness in what I do either for work, recreation...love...community...and just thinking. I do not wish to do things "because that's the way it's always been done " i have always believed that there is always the possibility of doing something differently...better if it is approached with a different mind set. This can be used in just about every aspect of our society.our lives. The main goal...love what you do, be healthy...be happy, and surround yourself with people with the same mind set...strive to be better..strive to learn ..strive to give more back. As we are all very aware...life is short..and no matter what we think ...we can take nothing with us when we die.

So, for now, that's all I shall write... I have much much more in me to say...but baby steps. I would love to write full time...I could spend hours upon hours writing about what interests me, what challenges me...what pisses me off, and what makes me happiest. So, for tonight, that's it...Roger Over and Out !

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